Message from Frank Tschöpe
21.11. Passed Shag Rocks today
Name correction: Sir Edmund Shackleton
When I meet Jonathan Shackleton right before his lecture I proudly told him hat I have just started reading a book on the "Endurance" adventure of Ernest Shackleton...he then asked me "Which book?" And I was not even aware that Jonathan has published his own book! ;-) so it came out that I had chosen the wrong book and he recommended his book to me.. ;-)
Then there was a longer, very entertaining lecture of 75min from Jonathan Shackleton. If you are not interested in history, then just skip the next paragraphs!
Here are some of my notes:
Edmund Hillary also succeeded reaching the South Pole with a tractor!
Shackleton born and lived in county Kildare , close to Dublin, 8 sisters, 1 brother! Moved to London at age of 10.
1902 Scott with ship Discovery to Ross Sea, failed reaching the South Pole, ship could be visited in Dundee
1907-1909 "Nimrod" --> plan of route: Ross Sea and then Ross Ice Shelf, camp on Ross Island! A small hut was built within 10 days! Climbed Mt Erebus 3800m! Google "Nimrod Shackleton" for more information!
Best Equipment from Norway, 30 sledges and even 15 ponys! 20 sheep! Dogs, but it doesnt work well! "If you have problems with dogs then it is mostly a problem with the owner!"
They started with sledges and 4 ponys..great excitement..but lost ponies over time (crevasses and also needed as food..did not reach the South Pole, but great experience and new insights!
Seeing all those fascinating pictures from old times in the presentation I finally thought "I myself would have been also one of the great explorers as I have the passion and stamina for it!" ;-) but nowadays most places are already visited, but I might step into the footprints of former great adventurers! ;-)
Some strenghts of Shackleton: Courage, Optimism and his ability to inspire others!
Today we reached "Shag Rocks" and we circled this rock formation 5 times, so it was a great day of photography! I took more than 500 shots and will delete maybe 400 of them! Then we saw a Southern Right Whale very close to these rocks. I took some photographs but these shots are not really good! Just for evidence that I have seen such a whale!
TomorrowI will be very busy as a photographer I I try to get most of it from South Georgia! I am likely to work only with my Canon camera, as 90% of my Sony shots have a white line in it! Some technical error with the aperture!
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